A/C Frequently Ask Questions

Aug 13, 2021 | Air Conditioning, HVAC

A residential cooling system can be difficult to learn and challenging to understand. However, even with a high level of difficulty, there are different types of maintenance that need to be done on a semi-regular basis to extend the life cycle of your AC system. Keeping up with your system’s care can help guarantee saving you money and has the longest life possible. Our certified technicians at Springfield Heating & Cooling have provided us with the following list to shed light on some of the most frequently asked questions. 

1. What Do The Letters In HVAC Mean?

Each of these letters symbolizes the most significant parts of your home’s HVAC system. They stand for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. As a homeowner, you need to know what each of these letters stands for if there was an emergency. Your home heating and cooling system control the central heat and air throughout your home. However, in this article, we will be concentrating on the A/C duties of your home HVAC system. 

2. When/Why Should I Replace My Air Filter? 

The A/C filter is responsible for capturing particles that pass through the A/C unit so they don’t travel back through your home. Keep in mind; the average air filter needs to be replaced at least once every three months. Doing so keeps your home’s air clean and sanitary.  

3. Why Is My AC Making an Odd Sound? 

An Air Conditioner is supposed to make some noise to function correctly. But, on the other side, if this noise is loud and harsh, there may be an issue within the AC unit. If this sound continues, you should contact a specialist at Springfield Heating & Cooling and schedule an appointment immediately. This problem could lead to expensive and severe consequences for your HVAC system. 

4. When is the Best Time to Replace my AC unit?

However, on the bright side, an A/C system ordinarily lasts fifteen to twenty years. Of course, this is considering you keep up with the unit’s required care. But, if you are thinking about upgrading your AC system, we suggest you do your research. When looking into purchasing a new AC unit, it is important to consider your lifestyle. Some basic questions to ask yourself are:

  • How old is the unit I currently own?
  • How often do I use my central air?
  • Have I consistently maintained my unit?

5. You Can Reduce Your Energy Output and Save Money. 

A lot of your home’s energy is used primarily by your HVAC system. However, there are various ways you can save money while lowering your energy production. The most well-known methods are:

  1. Investing in a smart thermostat (Like a Google Nest)
  2. Completing an in-home energy inspection
  3.  Scheduling routine maintenance on your unit

Taking advantage of these three resources can significantly decrease your energy output while simultaneously saving you money by lowering your monthly utility bills. 

Need more help?

Is there a FAQ we didn’t cover? Call Springfield Heating & Cooling today at (937) 350-1881, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!