Heating Tips for Super Bowl Parties

Jan 29, 2021 | Blog, Furnace, HVAC, Tips & Tricks | 0 comments

With February just around the corner, Americans across the country are preparing for one of the most popular events of the year: The Super Bowl! Since the Super Bowl was created in 1967, gathering to watch the game has remained a tradition ever since. However, there are lots of boxes to check when preparing for guests. It’s easy to forget about properly heating your home for a Super Bowl party, especially with the addition of COVID-19 concerns! That’s why we at Springboro Heating & Cooling put together some tips on keeping your furnace on the top of your priority list, while also keeping your guests safe and comfortable for the Super Bowl 2021! 

Your Heating System 

Because the Super Bowl takes place in the winter, it’s easy to forget that not only will your furnace be giving off heat, but so will your guests and food! On the flip side, it can really set your plans back if you run into a heating problem hours before the game. So there are multiple things to consider ahead of time when planning your party.

Replace Your Furnace Filter 

Checking your furnace filter is a good habit to have even when you’re not hosting a Super Bowl party. Especially because in the winter, your windows are closed to outside air and fans aren’t circulating air, so your home can tend to get pretty dusty. For guests with allergies, this can be a huge distraction from the game. So give your furnace filter a check. You can gauge whether it needs to be replaced by seeing whether you can see the filter material below the dirt and dust. Make sure to turn your thermostat and furnace off before doing so! By changing the filter, you’ll significantly improve your home’s air quality! 

Make Things Comfortable

While furnaces can be a lifesaver during Ohio winters, when you have a houseful of people on game day, things can start to get a little heated (in more than one way). Additionally, there are other things to worry about with the threat of COVID-19 hanging in the air. So here are two tips on making things comfortable for your guests at your 2021 Super Bowl Party.

Social Distanced Seating 

While it may be a bother for other events, encouraging social distancing on game day can be a real blessing! After all, piling onto the couch with 3-4 other people can get pretty sweaty pretty fast. That’s why we suggest providing lots of seating, especially during a global pandemic. You can get creative with folding chairs, bar stools, dining room chairs, or bean bag chairs. By spreading seating out, you’ll help your guests maintain a safe social distance while also keeping body temperatures down.

Say No To Germs!

With the concern of COVID-19, make sure to do a quick wipe down of all high touch surfaces like door handles, tables, counters, light switches, etc. Also plan ahead of time and find out all of your guests’ standings on masks and social distancing to avoid any non-sport conflicts at the party! Lastly, by keeping hand sanitizer near food, bathrooms, and doors, you’ll help your friends and family to feel comfortable and safe while watching the game!

Closing Thoughts 

If you still have questions about your heating system, you can call Springboro Heating & Cooling today at 937-600-6834, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here! We are excited for Super Bowl 2021, and are happy to make your game day stress free!