Show Your HVAC System Love This Valentine’s Day

Feb 12, 2021 | Blog, Furnace, Heating, HVAC, Tips & Tricks | 0 comments

Ohio has hit us with another curve ball this year! With more snow in the past few months than we’ve seen in the past few years combined, it can get hard to stay warm. Nothing deserves more recognition in these cold winter months than our heating systems. Usually we don’t pay attention to the heroes in our basements until they begin to malfunction. But with Valentine’s Day coming up, it can pay off to show your furnace a little love this year. We at Springboro Heating & Cooling know that staying ahead of the game with your furnace can save you money both on your maintenance bill and on your electricity bill. Therefore we’ve put together three tips that’ll give your heating system a pick me up this Valentine’s Day.

Why Worry About It?

You may be thinking “why invest money and time in my furnace if there’s nothing wrong with it?” Well with anything, keeping your furnace well maintained ensures that you have a head start on problems you may run into. When cleaning your furnace, you may discover that your air ducts are leaking. Air leaks both inside your home and through your windows and doors can account for 15-35% of the overall energy to heat your home. That’s 15-35% of your electricity bill! On the other hand, dust build-up in your filter air vents can cause your furnace to overheat and eventually stop running! So by investing in these two things, you will not only be giving your furnace a helping hand, but yourself as well! 

Dust Free, Stress Free!

There are two main dust build up areas in your home that can affect your furnace: your air vents and your furnace’s air filter. You can easily clean your air vents by removing the grates to your vents and vacuuming as far as you can reach. By investing just 20 minutes twice a year, you can give your furnace a well earned break! The next step is to replace your air filter. We recommend that you check and maintain your air filter about once a month, and more in the winter if needed. With limited air flow and dust build up, replacing your air filter will give both your furnace and your family a breath of fresh air! Dust allergies are common, and your home’s air quality will improve significantly after each filter replacement. So make these two tasks a habit starting this Valentine’s Day. You won’t regret it! 

I’ve Got My Eyes On You 

Sometimes a quick look at your heating system can tell you a lot about it’s condition! Many problems that occur with furnaces happen in your furnace room, and sometimes they can be hard to identify without seeing your furnace. Remember to practice caution with this step. Do not touch or adjust anything on your furnace if you don’t know what it is. If you suspect a bigger problem with your furnace, call a certified professional instead of trying to tackle it yourself. However there are a couple small things you can do to keep your furnace in tip top shape.

Smell For Gas

By simply smelling for gas, you can avoid a handful of problems in the future! Gas leaks can be a result of a mistake made on your furnace’s last maintenance day, but they can be dangerous safety hazards if left alone for too long. So take a sniff around your furnace room! If you smell something similar to rotten eggs, you may want to call a professional to come take a look. 

Check Your Air Ducts

Some of the most common air leaks in your home can come from your furnace’s air ducts. By giving them a once over and checking for holes or unusual bends, you will save yourself a lot of hassle and a lot of money on your next electric bill.

A Valentine’s Day Gift

The last gift you can give your furnace this Valentine’s Day is a professional routine check up! By having a professional take a look at your heating system, you can further identify any small problems before they have the chance to become a huge money investment. If you’d like to keep your furnace happy and healthy, you can call Springboro Heating & Cooling today at 937-600-6834, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here! We know that you won’t regret staying ahead of the game and showing your heating system some love this Valentine’s Day! It’ll appreciate it, and so will your budget!