Why Is My Furnace Not Keeping Up With The Cold Weather?

Jan 3, 2020 | Furnace, Heating, Winter | 0 comments

Anyone who has lived in Ohio for more than 24 hours can tell you that the weather can do some pretty crazy things. Mild one day, brutally cold the very next. The last thing you want is to have to deal with a malfunctioning furnace when the weather turns ugly. If your furnace isn’t keeping your home as warm as it should be when cold weather sets in, there may be an issue that needs to be addressed by a professional HVAC technician. Here are some possible reasons your furnace isn’t keeping up with the cold weather:

1. Your HVAC system needs to be inspected and cleaned by a professional 

Your furnace has not been used during the long months of warm weather, so it could use a little TLC to keep it performing the way it should be. Give Springboro Heating & Cooling a call at (937) 600-6834 and let us schedule a professional inspection and thorough cleaning for your HVAC system. If there is a problem that is keeping your furnace from performing up to par, our expert technician will find the issue and make any necessary repairs.

2. Keep your furnace on throughout the winter months

Once you’ve turned on your furnace when cold weather arrives, leave it on. Turning down the temperature during mild weather is fine, but do not turn it off altogether. If you turn it off completely, then when the weather turns frigid again, your furnace will take extra time to get warmed up again. This means your home will take longer to get warm. It is also important to know that if you turn off the heat in your home entirely and the temperature falls below freezing outside, the water pipes in your home can freeze and burst, causing serious damage to your home.

3. Your furnace may be the wrong size for your house

If your furnace is too small to keep your home adequately heated, it will become overworked, overheated, and the motor will burn up quickly, potentially ruining your heating system. You can determine whether or not this is an issue by turning up your thermostat to a high setting and watching the time to see how long it takes for your home to get to that temperature. If it takes a long time or if it doesn’t reach that temperature at all, your furnace may need to upgrade to a larger heating unit.

If your furnace is too large for your home, your home can consistently be too warm, even if the temperature your thermostat is set on is relatively cool. Not only can this make your home uncomfortably warm, but it can also damage the HVAC ductwork in your home. 

4. Your system’s fan doesn’t work properly 

If your heating system cannot provide adequate airflow, your home will not be able to stay warm when cold weather strikes. Your furnace could be producing heat, but if there is a broken blower fan, damaged ductwork, or a dirty air filter, the heated air doesn’t have a way to circulate through your home. Check the simple fix first: examine the air filter in your furnace and change it if it is dirty. If this doesn’t correct the problem, give us a call and we will send one of our professional HVAC technicians to take a look at your HVAC system right away.

5. Your thermostat may be malfunctioning

If your furnace is running nonstop and your home still doesn’t get warm, your thermostat may not be working correctly. Check to see if this is the problem by increasing the temperature on your thermostat five degrees higher than usual. Listen for a click, then check to see if warm air is coming through the vents. If there is no warm air being circulated, then there is a problem with your thermostat. Contact us and let one of our certified technicians assess the situation. Your HVAC system might be in need of an upgrade to a modern, programmable thermostat. These thermostats are more efficient than older models. They can monitor, adjust, and maintain the temperature in your home even when you are away. Most models are also designed to alert you immediately if a problem arises so that you can call a professional for help before any serious damage can occur to your HVAC system. 

Springboro Heating & Cooling wants your home to be as warm and comfortable as possible for you and your family during the winter season. Give us a call at (937) 600-6834 or visit us online at  https://springboroheatingandcooling.com/schedule-now/  to schedule an appointment for a thorough, professional inspection and cleaning of your HVAC system. We are at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.