by Susan Denisi | Feb 1, 2023 | Emergency Plan, Backup Plan, Cold Weather, Efficiency, Fireplace, Furnace, Gas Meter, Generator, Heat Pumps, Heating System, Insulate, Lighter, Outdoor, Portable Heater
Winter can bring about endless bouts of frigid temperatures, so it’s essential to be prepared for HVAC emergencies in case they occur. We still have some time left before the winter ends. So, do you have a plan in place should your furnace randomly malfunction...
by Susan Denisi | Jan 1, 2023 | Cool Air, Blown Out, Burner, Flame, Furnace, Gone Out, HVAC, Lighter, Ohio, Pilot, Pilot Light, Relight, Reset, Springboro
If you own a furnace, chances are you’ve had to deal with a pilot light that has gone out. Perhaps that’s why you are here today. We know this can be frustrating, especially if it happens on a cold winter night – and let’s be honest; most of Ohio’s...