by Susan Denisi | Jan 1, 2024 | Air Filters, Attic Insulation, Ceiling Fan, Ductwork, HVAC Habits, HVAC System, Maintenance, Smart Thermostat, Vents
The start of a new year gives us a chance for a fresh beginning. We all make resolutions to improve different parts of our lives, right? Well, how about adding your HVAC system to the list? It may sound a bit funny, but think about it: your HVAC system is important...
by Susan Denisi | Nov 1, 2023 | Furnace, Age, Heating Unit, Maintenance, Manufacturer, Manufacturer's Label, Owner's Manual, Repair, Replacement, Warranty
Your furnace is the unsung hero, quietly keeping your home warm and cozy during the frigid months. But, like all good things, your furnace has a limited lifespan. Whether you’ve recently moved into a new home or are in charge of a furnace that’s been with...
by Susan Denisi | Jul 6, 2023 | HVAC System, Age, Cooling, Corrosion, Drafty, Ductwork, Dust, Heating, HVAC History, HVAC Inspection, Inconsistent, Maintenance, Noises, Odors, Older System, Registers, Regulation, Rust, Stuffy, Temperature, Unit, Vents
Have you been looking for a house to call your next “home sweet home?” If so, congratulations! That’s always an exciting chapter to step into! And the fact of the matter is that whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or not, it’s a significant milestone...
by Becca Agunga | Aug 5, 2022 | A/C, Air Conditioner, Air Filter, Blog, HVAC, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Springboro, Thermostat, Tips & Tricks
We may be thankful to have A/C blasting during the hot Ohio summer temperatures, but most of us neglect to take the time to comprehend the intricacy of these systems. Springboro Heating & Cooling would like to summarize the main elements of your air conditioner so...
by Becca Agunga | Jun 7, 2022 | Air Conditioner, AC, Blog, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Springboro, Summer, Tips & Tricks, Vacation
Oh, sweet, sweet summer vacations. If you have vacation plans, I’m sure you are sincerely looking forward to them and, if planned correctly, can prove to be even more desirable! Having a game plan well ahead of schedule is ideal, but we recognize that life can...
by Becca Agunga | May 20, 2022 | Pets, Blog, HVAC, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Springboro
Your furry friends and HVAC system have more influence on each other than you may suspect. The longer you’ve owned animals, the more you gain new knowledge that you may not have previously known. Homeowning and pet-owning are learning experiences that are more...