by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2024 | Allergens, Air Purifier, Airborne, Allergies, Control, Dehumidifier, Duct Cleaning, Environment, Ohio, Particles, Pollen, Practical, Smart Thermostat, Spring, Trigger, Whole-home
March 19th marks the start of spring this year! Along with warmer weather and beautiful flowers, many Ohio residents also experience seasonal allergies during this time. Commonly known as hay fever, allergies can cause various unpleasant symptoms that are...
by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2023 | Springboro, Benefits, Dehumidifier, Humidity, Humidity Levels, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, Mildew, Moisture, Mold, Seasonal Change, Spring, Transition, Whole-home
As the warmer weather of March descends upon us, it’s time to consider the effects of humidity the early spring season can bring upon our home. High levels of moisture in the air can make living uncomfortable for you and your family, not to mention it can have...
by Becca Agunga | Apr 22, 2022 | Blog, DIY, HVAC, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Spring
HVAC means heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Are you aware of the variations in which HVAC systems are available? Or the significance of the manufacture date concerning the efficiency of your HVAC system? When thinking about your current HVAC system, these...
by Becca Agunga | Apr 8, 2022 | AC, Air Filter, Blog, HVAC, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Spring, Springboro, Tips & Tricks
Although the winter weather keeps making its back here in Ohio, spring will be here soon enough. Of course, most of us eagerly wait for the beautiful spring weather to begin. But is your residential HVAC system ready for the up-and-coming weather? To dodge any...
by Becca Agunga | Dec 24, 2021 | Blog, Furnace, Heating, HVAC, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Spring, Springboro, Tips & Tricks, Winter
Are you a current homeowner, or have you owned your house for several years now? Regardless of where you are as a homeowner, our technicians at Springboro Heating & Cooling realized that extreme weather is becoming more common these days for Ohio...