by Susan Denisi | Jul 6, 2023 | HVAC System, Age, Cooling, Corrosion, Drafty, Ductwork, Dust, Heating, HVAC History, HVAC Inspection, Inconsistent, Maintenance, Noises, Odors, Older System, Registers, Regulation, Rust, Stuffy, Temperature, Unit, Vents
Have you been looking for a house to call your next “home sweet home?” If so, congratulations! That’s always an exciting chapter to step into! And the fact of the matter is that whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or not, it’s a significant milestone...
by Susan Denisi | Jun 1, 2023 | Temperature, AC, Air Conditioner, Cool Air, Degree, Energy Consumption, Fahrenheit, Smart Thermostat, Summer, Temperature Setting, Thermostat
As temperatures rise this summer, we rely on air conditioning to keep us cool. But it’s important to balance our comfort with energy efficiency temperatures to keep our energy bills a little bit more controlled. Naturally, with everything rising price-wise,...
by Becca Agunga | Sep 30, 2022 | AC, Air Conditioner, Central Air, Cooling, Cooling Power, Installation, Ohio, Pros and Cons, Springboro, Temperature, Window Unit
How you keep cool within your home during the summer heat may differ from how someone else chooses to stay cool. But, it would help if you considered what is best for you and your home. So, let’s think about this for a minute. How can you determine which cooling...
by Becca Agunga | Jun 17, 2022 | Sleep, Blog, OH, Ohio, Temperature, Thermostat, Tips & Tricks
The circadian rhythm governs our sleep cycle based on the night-and-day process of the sun utilizing a part of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is in the hypothalamus. Numerous environmental and personal factors transmit signals to this brilliant...