Do UV Lights Improve Your Overall IAQ?

Jul 1, 2022 | UV Light, Blog, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, OH, Ohio, Springboro

UV lights placed in hospitals and some air purifiers are ingenious due to their ability to kill certain bacteria. Similarly, these lights can be established within your heating and cooling system to defend your home’s environment and unit against allergens and toxins, such as mold, mildew, and bacteria. To help you decide if UV lights are a good fit for you and your home, here are a few things our HVAC professionals at Springboro Heating & Cooling want you to consider regarding UV lights and indoor air quality.

What Does UV Stand For?

UV, ultraviolet, is a type of radiation between the ranges of visible light and X-rays on the electromagnetic spectrum. There are three kinds of UV rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC. While UVA and UVB radiation can be dangerous in that they are more invasive, the risks of UVC usage are minimal. Nevertheless, it is valuable to note that if directly exposed, UVC is risky to our eyes and skin. Thus, it’s in everyone’s best interest that all UV installation and maintenance necessities are left to be dealt with by the experts.

How Do UV Lights Improve IAQ?

When safeguarding your home and HVAC system from mold spores, bacteria, and other germs and allergens, germicidal ultraviolet air cleaners are your best bet! UV light installation and usage considerably diminish indoor contaminants, exterminating germs as they move through your system. Over 50 million Americans endure annual allergies! Also, asthma negatively impacts the lives of 17 million adults and 7 million children. Installing UV lights can give peace of mind by destroying dangerous organisms to preserve the health and comfort of you and your loved ones, and it’s chemical-free!

What Does IAQ Stand For?

IAQ, indoor air quality, pertains to the air quality within a household and the health and comfort of those living within. By educating ourselves and regulating common indoor pollutants, we can better reduce indoor hazards to our health. Unfavorable health effects from these contaminants may soon appear upon exposure, while others may take years to be apparent. This is why you must be proactive in considering your home’s indoor air quality, mainly if you are not confident about where your air quality presently lives.

To guarantee safe and appropriate UV light installation and maintenance, call Springboro Heating & Cooling today at (937) 600-6834, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here! Our knowledgeable technicians will be happy to help you on your quest to obtain a pure and safe household setting for all! And, just because you can’t see microorganisms from the naked eye, doesn’t mean they aren’t there! If nothing else, we highly recommend at least having your household’s IAQ evaluated. Thank you for your time!